God has heard our prayers!
Does God exists? Does He care? Does He listen? Many of us have raised these questions. But, let me tell you that God exits, He cares and He listens.
Many of you are aware that 'Priya' had a uneventful surgery for ruptured gangrenous appendix at Christian Medical College Hospital (CMCH) on the 24th of June. However, after surgery she had complication like fever, vomiting , diarrhoea and increased heart rate. When we spoke to the Doctors on 28th June, they were very much concerned. They said that her condition was critical, that she might be shifted to the ICU and might require another surgery. The doctors did not give us any hope.
We (my wife Fay and I) were shaken, troubled, shocked and sad. When we went near Priya's bed, she still had fever. Then, we bowed our heads and prayed to the God of the Bible with all earnestness and tears. We talked to God. We also requested all of you to pray.
God heard all of our prayers! After an hour when I returned back, she did not have any fever. Praise the Lord!
She did not have any more fever, vomiting or diarrhoea since praying for her. This evening (5th July), by the grace of God and through your prayers, she was declared fit to go home and was discharged. She is back in the campus, sleeping on her own bed.
Big thanks to all who prayed and a big message to all those who are skeptical of God's existence, God's care and God's response.
God does Exists, God does Care and God does Listen! Priya is one among the many testimonies to these facts.
Thanks and Praises be to the Triune God!